Pictures of the Week!
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Karyn Hess from St. Charles joined Mike Norris for a day of fishing on Geneva Lake in mid-September and caught her personal best 21-inch and 20.56 inch smallmouth bass!

PIke fishing continues to be good in September as witnessed by this nice pike caught by Mike Norris.

Record rainfall in August reeked havoc on Geneva Lake residences. Here is an example of where a mudslide wiped out this neighbor's stairway and boat dock.

Legendary comedian Shelley Berman and Sarah, his lovely wife of 60 years, joined Mike Norris on a guided fishing trip to Geneva Lake in mid-September.

Shelley Berman's most recent credits include roles as Nat David, the father of Larry David on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiam, and more recently, as the zany Judge Robert Saunders on ABC's Boston Legal. Look for him to appear with Adam Sandler in the motion picture "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" in 2008.

In September John Kirkemo from DeKalb to time out from his busy retired schedule to join Mike Norris on a guided fishing trip on Geneva Lake. Retired life has John fishing all over the country.

Retiree John Kroos joined John Kirkemo on this outing and caught a mixed bag of both large and smallmouth bass.

As September rolls on Geneva's Northern Pike are on the prowl, as evidenced by this dandy pike Mike Norris hooked into!

Denise Oros treated sons Mike (pictured below) and Matt (this photo) to a day on the water with guide Mike Norris. Here Denise matches up her rock bass against a largemouth bass caught by Matt.

Mike Oros' birthday celebration included playing this toothy pike out perfectly on light line.

Lake Michigan is not the only body of water to harbor big perch, as attested by this 12-incher caught by Mike Norris on Geneva Lake.

Corey Dossett had so much fun in May he had to come back and do it again. And he did as attested by this 19-1/2 inch largemouth bass.

A late July cold front didn't stop Mike Norris from landing this chunk..

Gary Willis got a birthday treat which included catching bass while on a guided trip with Mike Norris.

Gary's dad, Gary Sr. joined us on Gary Willis' birthday outing.

Plano Molding's Jesse Simpkins joined Mike Norris and Jeff Norris (Fox Valley Guide Service) for a day of perch fishing in late June.

Here Jesse tries to explain to Jeff that size does matter, but Jeff isn't buying into it.

Mike Norris with a jumbo perch caught form Lake Michigan in mid-June.

Perch weren't the only fish interested in Mike's Mik-Lurch spinner. When this three pound smallie hit Mike's spinner, another smallie estimated at over five pounds was swimming behind it.

The Reynolds family joined Mike for a day on the water and Cameron caught his first catfish.

Karen and Chris Booker fished with Mike Norris in mid-June. Chris suggested we try cicada's on our drop-shot rigs and lo and behold we caught bass on them ugly, noisy critters.

Bill Klaasens from Naperville joined Mike Norris for a day of fishing Geneva Lake in mid June. The cicadas where chirping and the bass were biting, as witnessed by this hefty chunk Bill posed with. Happy Birthday Bill!

Dave Dorris from Bloomington, IL caught this 28-inch walleye in 16 feet of water on a Lindy Supreme spinner rig while visiting Tetu Island Lodge in Ontario in early June.

Bre DeKing of Aurora with a 20-inch smallmouth bass she caught on a 1/16th-ounce red darter head jig and white twister tail grub on Big Round Lake in Wisconsin the last week of May.

Mike Noland from the Oswegoland Fishin' Fools and friend John Plummer joined Mike Norris on the water at Geneva Lake in early June. Mike caught his share of largemouth bass as shown above, but was best known for his outstanding rock bass catches!
For Mike's Guiding Service, call 630-842-8199

Mike's friend John Plummer lives on Geneva Lake but rarely fishes it. After pulling in catches like this largemouth bass, I think John is going to wet a line there more often.

Rich King from DeKalb also joined Mike Norris at Geneva Lake in late May. An accomplished angler, Rich was impressed with Geneva's largemouth bass bite.

Rich's partner was his good friend Kevin Swanquist from Sugar Grove who is shown here with a couple chunky smallmouth bass he caught during our outing.

Corey Dossett from Arlington Heightsalso joined Mike Norris on Geneva Lake in late May. Corey was looking to catch a few bass, but wasn't expecting brutes like this.

Corey Dossett added several nice smallmouth bass to his catch. He said it was one of the best days of fishing he ever had.

Brothers Joe and Mike Gotfryd joined Mike Norris for a day of Lake Michigan fishing in mid-April. Here's brother Joe with a Jackson Park Harbor largemouth bass.
Mike Gotfryd hooked into this smallmouth bass while taking in the breathtaking views of downtown Chicago. By the way, Happy Birthday Mike!

Indian summer is long gone, but the smallmouth bass are not! Despite cold, blustery weather, Terry (l) and Tom (r) Polonus joined Mike Norris for a day of fishing in mid-November of 2006.
This monster bass, caught by Larry Palmer out of shallow water, turned out to be the biggest of the day on a trip we shared in the fall of 2006.

Here'smy producer Ken Abraham with Chicago Sun-Times outdoors columnist Dale Bowman with several hawg smallmouth bass they caught during our late October outing.

Oh yes, on the outing with Ken Abraham and Dale Bowman, Mike Norris got a chance to haul in a couple lunkers!

Don Bischoff returned for the October smallmouth bass bite and wasn't disappointed as indicated by these to lunkers he caught.

As a guitar teacher, Brandyn Thies spends more time hitting chords then he does smallmouth bass, but this pic seems to indicate he got the catching part down real good!

Chester Kropidlowski from Chicago attended last year's Walleye Masters Institute and won a free guided fishing trip with Mike Norris. Within a day of the full moon, Mike took Chester out in early October. Chester proclaimed "It's the best fishing trip I've been on all year!"
To book a guided fishing trip with Mike call 630-842-8199.

Herb Franks caught his personal best northern pike on this trip and gladly posed with the fish as his guide, Trevor Montgomery, proudly held up the fish. Franks caught the fish on a custom made copper Eppinger Dardevle with his FGM law firm logo (Franks, Gerkin & McKenna) imprinted on the lure.

Mike Norris couldn't top his boat partner Herb Franks though for biggest pike.